
Saturday 24 March 2012

The Thing's Never Said !

    I love my dad , my mum , my big  idiotic brother , to the core .  But i realize , i am actually bound to love these people . Ain't i ?
No , i am not saying that i love them only because i have to , but because there was never an option as well . When your brother actually snatches your ice cream when you are a kid , or irritates you more after watching a horror film or T.V. serial with his acts , complaints to dad for all the small little things with all the added flavors , always has the advantage of shopping first when you out , and lot of other things as well . Was there an option? I remember whenever i used to fight with him , mum used to always make up for the whole thing . Other times , dad used to take control , and i remember always complaining him about what all injustice i have to suffer in this house !
I know , it sounds really funny , but trust me i did had to face it .
One thing , i forgot to mention , that irritating moment , when you realize that you have been fooled and how ! My brother actually used to pick up a religious book from the puja room with the shlokas written in it . And he used to tell me to chant them twice a day for good results in exams , and then used to convince me that he has got it on special order . And in return used to take out the 30 -40 rupees i had saved . This , is the time when i was in class 2nd or 3rd i guess .

                    Time flies , and what you are left with are just memories .
The bond i share with my brother is beyond words . Only the people who have seen us fighting and cuddling each other can define it .
Then , comes my dad . He is " THE BEST DAD " . He really is . I remember when i used to go to my dad , crying , and telling me of what all my brother does to me , he just used to hug me and tell me that i am his Strongest boy .
And he used to get me something for compensation - a pen , new register , ice cream etc .
The bond i share with him is the same as a dog shares with his master . The dog is faithful , obeys , and loves his master the most . And moreover , warns the master of what all is going on in the surroundings !
( P.S. - Here , the surroundings = my brother's life )
Mum is my life . She is the ultimate person . And she is so cute .
Dad and i always get into a team and then irritate mum to the extreme .

Everyone has these special memories in their hearts . But these are the things which are just never said !
Take time , tell the people you love that you really do love them .
A beautiful Smile on their face and the Spark in their eyes , will say it all . A Thank You , that you will always cherish , and nothing can match to the contentment and satisfaction you feel when you tell them - The Things Never Said !

Friday 16 March 2012

Never too late .

Some days are just normal , some are depressing , some are the ones on which you feel low , while others are the one on which you feel good about yourself . You feel confident for who you are and you rejoice over yourselves .
Its never too late to understand that each day can be the one in which you yourself feel good about your own self .
I have realized it lately , and hence am sharing it with you all , so that you don't waste your time thinking about yourself as the second best . I remember reading these lines in the books - You must rejoice on the very fact of your existence . Take pride in yourself .
These were just lines to me until i experienced it myself . Look at yourself . Watch your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect , and neither a person can be good at everything .
Take some time and stand in front of the mirror for a while . Just look at yourself without analysing yourself . You are Beautiful , feel it . There is no second you in this world . So , of course you are special and unique .
I know , it sounds weird when a 18 year old talks stuff like this - so serious . But trust me , i have had my share of problems , and of what all i have learned and gained through them , i am sharing it with you .
Life is pretty uncertain . You never know what the next moment holds for you . When i look back , i see what all i had and was going through at the same time , last year . But , one thing i never gave up was Hope . There is a time in everybody's life when nothing seems good . You don't know where is life taking you . I have experienced it as well . Don't panic . Fold your hands , sit back , and pray . That's the only thing you can do and trust me you will surely feel better . Remember ,  God always has better plans for you than you have for yourselves.
 Each day is different . Live it !   Even if you have nothing to be happy about , still smile.
Don't sit idle . Explore your talents . It's one of the few things that is always gonna pay you . Polish them . Do things that you really enjoy . And for sure you will feel contended after a while as everything will automatically start falling into place .
Remember  " The Winner always stands alone " .
Love and be rejoice over yourself . You never know what is next in store for you . So , live the moment and take out the best out of it .

Thursday 15 March 2012

Reasons why girls love their Dad .

A girl needs actually no reason to love her dad , to begin with . But still , i pen down the most instantaneous reasons that pop up in my head .

1.   We know , to begin with , no matter what , we have a guy who is never gonna hurt us , and is gonna abide to every promise he has made .

2 .  Never allows us to see the price tag when they are along .

3.   Always protect us from mum when we are wrong , or even when we are right .

4 .  You never have to plead to them to drop you somewhere , they just do it themselves .

5 .  Buy you almost every stuff you ask them to !

6 .  Treat you like a lost puppy , no matter how much grown up you are .

7 .  Always cheer you up and take you out after a bad day .

8 .  Protect you when you go to some random wedding , and the far off relatives tell you how much you   have  grown up since the last time they met you  and give you weird smiles .

9.  Give you freedom for almost anything , ( sometimes even more than your brother ) .

10 . Don't abuse you like they sometimes do with their sons , no matter how much wrong you have done ;)

11 . Always give you more  attention than any other person in the family .

12 . Come  , to wake you up every morning by gently keeping their warm hands on your forehead .

13 .  Always encourage you , for the best .

14 .  Cry the most , when you get married .

15 .  You actually need NO REASON TO LOVE YOUR DAD  .

Wednesday 14 March 2012

The Mask .

Coming back from college , i sit in the auto , my hair tied in a bun and i open a sandwich to kill the hunger . The damn traffic spoils the mood anyway . But today it is much worse . So, i take out my hand notebook and start penning down my thoughts .
Okay , as i just start up , a small little boy comes to me begging for the sandwich . Can't afford to give you the whole , i thought to myself . So, i gave him a 10 rupee note to feed himself .
Okay , so as the auto is struck in this traffic which leads to no where , i think - " Are the people that much Happy as they seem ? " .
Hmmm , after the much needed calculations i come to a conclusion . People are not that much happy as much as they seem to be . But because , when they see other people around , they think everybody around is happy ,  except them . So, like the other people , they put on a Mask which reads - " I AM SO HAPPY " .
But , they forget that they can fool people with the fake smiles but as they say - the eyes say it all .
So ,you  must be thinking what made me to reach to a conclusion so fast ? Yes , i have an answer to this as well .
Because  , the same question i asked to myself . Am i that much happy of what i pretend to be ? The spontaneous answer is - NO .
Now , i am not saying here that i am not happy at all . But not that much happy that i tell people i am . I miss granny , miss home like hell , miss " many " people at times , freak out at moments , feel disgusting when i go out for shopping and have to just console myself with the third best thing present , because i know  dad is not here to pay my bills , and i just let it go after seeing the price tag .
Many other reasons as well , i resent a lot of things you did , feel hurtful when i sometimes think of the mistakes i did in the past .
So , i can count the umpteen number of things which give me a reason not to be that much Happy .
But , this doesn't mean that i am not happy ; it just means i get freaked out at times and nobody until now could figure out that i thought about the listed things as well .
Likewise , everyone has some dark hidden secrets which they never tell anybody about . And they bury them deep inside . That is not the reason why they are actually not happy , but because for the fact that never confess it in front of anybody and hence to the world - Wear a Mask of being Happy  !
I was in the same situation until i talked and shared about my problems . Don't hide and be some other person behind whom you wanna hide . Accept what you are and trust me you will actually realize that you are happy . If you don't have problems then you might be not normal ; if you have you are - Absolutely fine .
More of it i can think , but the traffic has almost  been cleared up . The little boy sitting next to me is smiling at me . He might be thinking of me as a pretty serious and studious girl . But i have something else going on in my mind . I wish he is that much happy of what his smile reflects ,  Hope he doesn't wear a Mask !

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Like Never Ending ' o '

Being in school , i remember reading in our books - ' The Importance of our  Trees' . Out of the other umpteen uses , my most favourite was the peace and serenity you feel when you feel when you sit in the shade of a tree . I always used to wonder what peace do you get by this anyway ? But , in this very moment i feel the very same of what all i have read .
Okay , but this isn't the only thing going on in my mind . Sitting on the heap of leaves ( P.S. - Read orange leaves ) , sipping coffee and just observing the people around . I don't know why it gives so much of joy to me.While i am writing this , i have a big smile on my face , in context to what ? ' Just like That ' is the spontaneous answer .
Watching the sunrise , the sunset , observing people , looking around at nature makes me think things which even i don't understand at times . But the first two ( Yes , sunrise and sunset ) make me nostalgic .
So , as i am surrounded with people here and am close to nature as well ( the description i gave you earlier ) , i am hence bound to think .
         So , at this moment i ask myself - " Is life gonna be the same forever ? " .
I wish it could be . But then as they say - Stagnation in Life = Death . As the bacteria's and other micro-organisms grow in standing water , similarly , your mind is prone to witness rust if you just stagnate in life doing nothing .
Okay ,  a very cute small puppy has come near me maybe because of the eatables kept here , and he make me realize that am actually pretty close to nature at the moment .
Well , i remember being in school , i used to ask myself the very same question . Back then , i always wanted to grow up fast and do the stuff which i thought big guys do - Drive a car , holding 2-3 notebooks in hand and coming to the school instead of a huge bag , loosening the tie just after the morning assembly , hanging around with guys / girls . In short , i just wanted to run away from those red walls and see the world beyond it because i always used to think - Life is no fun here . It is gonna be a roller coaster ride after this . 

But after just few days in college , i thought life is just normal fun here also . Its gonna be fun once i get placed in a good company and start earning money .
But the very truth is , there is happiness in each and every moment . It is on if we can see it and live in it .
Life is hard , very hard . But its up to you if you can see the happiness in each moment or just cry about the problems you face .
Life is like a Never ending ' o ' . You just have to feel the twist and turns like in a " o " , and if you wait for them to end , you at the end are left with no time , because that situation is never gonna come .
And as THE LEGEND has rightly put up
      One Life , One Love , One Destiny 
                              # Bob Marley .  

Monday 12 March 2012

Just like that !

From the last few days , i have been thinking a lot , or maybe i always used to think this much but didn't notice !
Well , what so ever the case is , i have been thinking a lot of random stuff these days .
Why is the sky blue ? Why is the water transparent ? Why do we love or hate somebody , What if i had all the wealth in the world ?
After all the possible analysis done in the mind , the only conclusion i reach up to is -"  No Idea " .
The things around us are maybe this way because God wanted them to be like this .
Yeah , one question i missed - Why do we miss someone ? Its been a year since my grandmother passed away but there have been umpteen number of times that i have missed her , felt that something is missing .
Why do people break your trust , when you almost trust them blindly ? I don't have a much more convincing answer than the fact because we get Blind !
Why does it sometimes happen that you know from the very start that this particular person or thing is just not right , but still you feel like trusting or pursuing it , no matter what the consequences are .
Human nature is such . We don't really have answers to a number of questions . So , when we are encountered with a tricky one, we , to convince ourselves , apply the hit and trial method . One answer , followed by the other and so on .The one which the fits aptly in accordance to our ethics and facts , we believe is to be true .
                   But , in my case , more than the answer - " No Idea " , I end up saying - " Just like that " .
Why is that sometimes you know , no matter how wrong you are , what crime you have committed, what harsh things you have said , that one person ( Be it anyone ) , is not going to leave your hand , in all - thick and thin , wealth and poverty .The another fact is that the person himself has never admitted it himself / herself .  But , still you know .
        And , if while reading this , you couldn't think of even one person except from your family members , then you actually have something missing in your life - The Spice ! Maybe , you yourself don't agree with it but i bet you too can sense and feel it .
And , if in any case , i ask you the reason , you gonna answer - " Just like that "  ;)

Sunday 11 March 2012

The Cutting Edge

Sometimes , one wonders , is violence the new pornography ?

              Whilst we had a bout of hypocritical outrage when three Karnataka ministers were found watching ' Blue films ' in the Vidhana Soudha , the real anger is less about the subject matter of the clips and more about the place that they were being viewed . The Assembly , it was wisely pronounced , was no place for these so called activities . The poor fools made the mistake of being caught on the camera . The underlying assumption is that many do this , and now , with easy online access to pornography , its illegality has become meaningless .
Hopefully , they will be punished for , at least , wasting the ' tax payers ' money in the assembly .
But had the three ' idiots ' been watching a violent scene from  ' Agneepath ' , would they have got away , more easily with their  ' chaddis ' completely intact ? After all , this is a family film , and for ' adult viewing ' . Yet the reality is that these scenes of violence are just as gratutious . The only difference is that while pornography requires nudity , violence in cinema can be filmed fully clothed . None of it is pleasant , and each is a natural corollary of the other . Doesn't extreme violence - no matter how beautifully filmed - lead to a certain ennui , and an acceptance that this is what we do to each other ? Is violence really justified when injustice has been committed ? How can viewing bones being broken and ghastly torture be better than watching sexual activity ?
               But cinema makers , both here and abroad , seem to have discovered in recent decades that , in lieu of pornography , violence ' excites ' the audience . In fact , certain foreign film makers have blatantly used women's bodies for violent ( non necessarily sexual ) scenes . Not just male film makers , but surprisingly , women directors  , too , have gone down this road . I am no fan of censorship , but , in an increasingly brutalised world , do questions need to be raised about how much egregious violence should be permitted in cinema ? And should films with extreme violence be only permitted limited release or not made at all ?
             One film under the scanner of Indian censors is ' The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ' , which is proposed to be cut before its release in India . I must clarify , as someone who has a strong  female character at heart , I support the film whole heartedly . It is wonderful to have empowered women protogonists who can take independent decisions and protect themselves without being just a ' chamchi ' for a superhero .
That said , cinematic violence has a larger - than - life impact , and must be carefully , or , preferably , not at all.
Perhaps , it could be implied , without taking away the horror ? For instance , not all the films about holocaust have gone into the horrible details of what happened . Yet , we  used our imaginations , and were sufficiently appalled .
So , the question is should film makers , then , apply the same yardstick for violence as for pornography ?

Saturday 10 March 2012

Looming Disaster .

Reading  a recent story in the magazine made me think of something that i never usually paid attention to . So  i  thought it is my responsibility being a citizen of the country to make people aware about the problems that people are facing now and help them in any little way i can .
You would be amazed to see the actual condition of the hand loom workers in India . Prior to this , i knew that the hand loom workers face a lot of problems but the statistics that have showed up are very shocking and have caught up my attention . And i really feel disappointed but also optimistic that surely things will change soon .
So , about 88 % of the weaver households in the state of Andhra Pradesh have BPL cards , 42 % of the workers have never attended school , and the state records the highest level of indebtedness among hand loom households . The monthly income of some of the weavers is just 1,000 rupees . The hand loom census of India 2009 - 10  , show that the average earning of rural and urban households dependent on weaving and allied activities in Andhra Pradesh , Orissa , is about 28,000 a year or just Rs .75 per day . Hunger and malnutrition stalk them as they struggle to keep body and soul together .
India is almost home to 1.77 lakh households involved in weaving and allied activities . They constitute a significant 12 % of about 15 lakh households involved in commercial hand loom work across the country .
Some experts argue that the hand loom industry would have come to an end but it has survived because the master weavers , who raise the investment , respond to changes in market conditions . Nevertheless , weavers are paid extremely low wages .
So , after studying the situation , i have concluded some of the factors which are responsible for this situation .
The disastrous government policies favouring mills and power looms , has pushed weavers into considerations of destitution , malnutrition and starvation .
Crushed under mountain debts , some weavers take their own lives . Also , while i was doing case study about the topic , the problems the weavers face and its causes , i came across something that really shook me .
In reply to a question in the legislative council in February 2011 , P. Shankar Rao , who was then the Textile Minister for Andhra Pradesh , said that 441 weavers had committed suicide in the state in the past six years .

Government policies regarding the hand loom sector have been marked by discrimination and callous neglect  favouring mills and power looms while paying lip service to hand looms. From the very outset , independent India hurtled along a path of industrialization  which went hand in hand with the centralization of the economy.
The potential of Khadi - handspun and handwoven cloth which occupied a place of pre - eminence in Gandhi's vision for reviving the village economy , was killed in independent India by its goovernments unable to deny the significance of Khadi in India's struggle for freedom , governments accorded a marginal level of protection to khadi and hand loom . However , without any genuine commitment , this grudging gesture towards Khadi and hand loom was easily eroded .
Globalization and liberalization worsened the plight of weavers . The export oriented textile policy of 2000 , based on the report of the Satyam Committee , liberalized controls and regulates at the cost of the hand loom sector . This policy , which aims to make India , a global player in textile markets , not only ignores the minimal needs of weavers but also discriminates against them .
Largely unaware of these policy machinations , weaver households doggedly eke out a living in the face of tremendous odds . Such hardships forces weavers to abandon the loom for more remunerative work . Given that the overall population is growing is indicative of a deep crisis in the hand loom sector .
With low wages and returns over the years , hand loom weavers have become heavily indebted and highly vulnerable to the slightest change in raw material prices , especially those of cotton yarn . They don't have cash resources , adequate buffers or price accomodating mechanisms to respond to a rise in yarn prices .
Despite repeated protests by weavers , yarn exports continue to hike up prices and jeopardise their livelihoods . Additionally , falling budget allocations , poor infrastructure and lack of access to markets and investment make their lives vulnerable .
Crafting a development paradign to meet their basic needs requires political and social will . Perhaps , to begin with , we must realize that behind the beauty of every hand loom saree lurks the plight of a weaver who has been denied the justice he or she deserves .

Friday 9 March 2012

Tamasha over Talent ?

1st Story : - 

" A bicycle rolls over the elephant in U.P. , it happens only in India " .

After the much awaited elections which took place in the major 5 states in the country , everybody had their fingers crossed for the results that will follow . So , taking the major leap , the Samajwadi Party in the leadership of their new emerged youth leader , Mr . Akhilesh Yadav , emerged as the clear winner . Everybody in the party is filled with joy and Mulayam Singh Yadav , going one step forward , has given statement that he truly dedicates this historic and clear majority win to his son .
Okay , firstly , nobody denies from the fact that it truly is a historic win and the SP has emerged as the clear winners . But , just being said that , you can't even deny from the very fact it is probably not the win of just one single man who lead the election campaign ( Read Akhilesh Yadav ) , but of those thousands of party workers who actually worked in his leadership .
I really don't remember seeing their faces or of them actually getting any more appreciation rather than just saying , and i quote  " We are highly grateful to our  complete Samajwadi  Party family who took this election forward " .
Is this fair ?
For the whole day , on different T.V. channels , what you see is the recent updates - on the vote figures followed by the personal and congratulatory messages and their interviews .
Without a doubt , Mr. Yadav and his son both had a vision which they implemented , and the results are before us . But what about those thousand's people who worked under their leadership to make it a success ?
I wonder if people in our country will ever applaud for TALENT  keeping aside the followed TAMASHA for a while !

IInd Story : -

" Clothes , shoes , makeup , gadgets , everything will one day go out of Fashion , as it changes except one - FRIENDSHIP  . It never goes out of style " .
                                                                      - Coco Chanel .
The recent Lakme Indian Fashion Week witnessed the same . The designers showcased their best work in the event . Nobody , could deny  of the talent that the upcoming designers in the country have . Why just about the upcoming ones , even the one's which are established have made a mark of their own .
What surprises me is the fact that nobody actually talks about the excellent designs being showcased - be it media , newspapers , leading fashion magazines . The  only thing being talked and written about is the Bollywood stars that came in support of which designer , who became the showstopper for whom .
Okay , firstly what all is the credit given to these designers who put in almost everything for their shows ? To be honest , not even a single photograph of them is clicked without their respective Bollywood actors as showstoppers . Forget the rest !
What about those hundred's people who work so hard to make an event a success ? I wonder if they ever come in front of the camera and ever get their due's .

Also , about the umpteen number of stunts men in Bollywood . Tamasha or the so called " Hype " is the new mantra of selling anything to just everything !  
What least can be expected is that people who actually work so hard and put in a lot of efforts get their due and that Talent is considered at the top , regardless of other things . And we all must not encourage this Tamasha that happens in almost every domain now . That's the least we can do for the thousand's of people who are craving for recognition for their work .

Thursday 8 March 2012

Saving the Girl Child

Oprah Winfrey said and i quote

      " Being born as a Girl is the second most honored thing . First , is being born as a Human being . "

India may be the second fastest growing economy of the world , but India's exponential growth and rising importance in the world acts as a smokescreen to the present status of women in the country .
Millions of girls have to struggle with acute gender discrimination and distress as part of their everyday experience . The existing patriarchal system leads to the unequal status of women which leads to exploitation , oppression , deprivation etc . It is really sad a s well as surprising to see that in a country like India , where the President of the country is herself a women , such figures and statistics come across us .
It is really a matter of deep concern on the various results of census that we see . The Census 2011 data reaffirms that girls have no place in India's growth story . Recently , a global perception survey has named India as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women with high level female infanticide and sex trafficing being cited as the major reasons .
The current sex ratio ( no. of females per 1000 males in the population ) is 940 according to the Census 2011.

The state wise analysis show a large discrepancy in trends . According to Census 2011 , child sex ratio in eight states and one union territory are less than 900 . These are Delhi , Haryana , Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir , Maharashtra , Rajasthan , Lakshwadeep and Uttrakhand .
Our constitution guarantees women equality of opportunity and wage and disallows gender bias , but our society continues to be slave to son preference with the wrong notion that male child is a source of bread earning and security in twilight year and female child is an economy liability . Also , the prevalence of the sinful "Dowry system" enhances the situation . As a result , the birth of male child is greeted with jubilation . This concept leads to gender discrimination , less care for girl child in the infancy stage which results in female infanticide . The declining child sex ratio is a reminder of India's enduring hatred for the girl child .
While addressing an international symposium on women and child empowerment , President  Pratibha  Patil expressed ' shock ' over the sex ratio figures in 2011 Census which she said were the lowest after independence .
The macabre fact is that in India around one crore girls go missing every year through foeticide or other forms of killing . It is a matter of compunction that about 12 million girls are born in India every year , a third of them dis in the first year and about three million don't survive past their fifteenth birthday .

Female foeticide - a heinous crime should be tamed otherwise it will trigger catastrophic consequences .
Every person should come forward to eradicate this social evil and ensure equal status for women in all spheres of life . The paramount need of the hour is sensitizing the society to look at a girl child as a ' boon'.
This is possible by ensuring women empowerment and also making women economically independent .
Better education , health services and self employment of women will go long way to ensure empowerment of women . We need to create a safer and better tomorrow for the girl child . This can be done by creating awareness among the masses which is the primary reason of why i am writing this in my blog . Myself being a girl , i think it is my primary duty and responsibility to make people aware about this sinful crime and create a safer place for the girl child . 

Imitation is Limitation

My mother said to me , " If you become a soldier , you'll become a general ; if you become a monk , you'll end up as the pope " . Instead , i became a painter and wound up as Picasso ' .
                                           - Picasso
God's creation of you put a smile on his face . Why , then , do so many people not accept the way God made them ? God made you on purpose for a purpose . He has a job for you that no one else can do as well as you . Out of billions of applicants , you're the most qualified .
            When you're trying to be like someone else , the best you can ever be is second best .
Here , is an inspiring story .
A middle aged women had a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room . On the operating table she had a near death experience . Seeing God , she asked if this was it . He said , ' No , you have forty three years, two months and eight days to live ' . Upon recovery , she decided to stay in the hospital and have a face lift , liposuction , tummy tuck , the whole works . She even had someone come in and change her hair color , figuring that since she had so much life remaining , she might as well make the most of it . She was discharged after the final procedure , however , while crossing the street outside , she was killed by a speeding ambulance Arriving in God's presence , she fumed , ' I thought you said i had another forty-plus years ' . He replied , " I din't recognize you " .
Be yourself . Think about it .
A proverb says - " Wood may remain ten years in the water , but it'll never be a crocodile " .
There is only one life for you - your own . Most people live their entire lives as complete strangers to themselves .
Motivational speaker and author Leo Buscaglia admonished ,
          The easiest thing to be in the world is You . The most difficult is to be what others want you to be . Don't let them put you in that position .
Stop looking only at where you are and start looking at what you can be . No one can defeat you unless you first defeat yourself .
Charles Caleb Colton , writer and motivational speaker said ;
                        We are sure to be losers , when we quarrel with ourselves , it is a Civil war .
You may succeed if nobody else believes in you , but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself .
        Frank Tyger says ,
             " Your future depends on many things , but mostly on you " .

ENTHUSIASM  takes you where TALENT  alone can't  :-
I agree with novelist and historian Charles Kingsley ,
      We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life , when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about .
Your enthusiasm reflects your reserves , your unexploited resources , and perhaps your future output .

Don't be afraid of the OBSTACLES  :-
      The breakfast of the champions is not cereal ;
                                    it is Obstacles .
Obstacles are merely a call to strengthen , not quit . If you have a dream without problems , you don't really have a dream .
Samuel Glover advised ;
        " Circumstances are the rulers of the weak , but they are the instruments of the wise " .
Don't let your problems take the lead - you take it .
Chinese have a maxim that says ,
        " The gem cannot be polished without friction , nor man perfected without trials " .
Challenges make you stretch - they make you go beyond the norm . Turning an obstacle to your advantage is the first step towards victory .
Martin Luther King Jr . said ,
      the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort  , but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy .
Life is as uncertain as a grapefruit's squirt .
      When i hear somebody say that " Life is hard " , i am always tempted to ask " Compared to what" ?

God rejoices over you :-
         Its not how you dress your body , it's how you dress your heart .
You are not insignificant . Never view your life as if God did nothing for you . Make the most of yourself , for that is all God made you for . The first and worst of all frauds is the betrayal of yourself . If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being , you will bring unhappiness to the rest of your life . Every person is gifted . We are responsible to God for becoming what God has made possible for us to become .
Jerry Van Dyke , actor - comedian said it so well ;
       The best rose bush is not the one with the fewest thorns , but that which bears the finest roses .
Your life makes a difference . There is no unimportant people . So , make the best out of it .
    One Life , One Love , One Destiny 
            #  Bob Marley .                          

Hope , Faith , Belief !

Sitting in the room and listening to the deep silence spread all across , I wonder if he will ever get to know , will he ever care and think about what went wrong ?
   People say - Everything in life is temporary : Love , Money , Beauty . But one thing that stays forever and never fades is FRIENDSHIP .
How should i feel after all this ? I ask myself . And i have nothing as a satisfactory answer . The person i cared about the most , rather i care for him even now , doesn't acknowledge my feelings . He actually feels after all this while its nothing more than ' sort of addiction ' and its better to think for ourselves now . Its just the ' need ' that draws us unconditionally towards each other .
So , i ask myself - Is it true ? Was it selfish on my part that i gave a Thumbs up  to this friendship expecting the same in return ? My mind says Yes , maybe he is right in his own way . Maybe yes , i had become selfish and possessive about my BEST FRIEND .
A tear rolls down my cheek , as i think that after all this time am i questioning my friendship ? But with all my gathered confidence and faith , i ask my Heart to prove me wrong . FINE ! I am possessive because i am worried that he is still a child at heart and feel like protecting him from this world . I am selfish because i can't see when he doesn't bother about me and just cares about his other friends . If expecting time and  the same care from the same person is a crime , then i am SORRY .
Surrounded by loneliness and the vacuum created around , the only thing that still i have is HOPE . Even a stopped clock shows the correct time twice a day . No matter how long the tunnel is , in the end a ray of light brightens everything around .
My heart still dosen't believe that my bestie didn't understand this , all this and left . I  feel like a girl lost in the maze roaming from one possible direction to the others in the hope of finding my friend at the exit .
Everything , when i was in pain , tears , and heartbreak , you were with me . But now , i realize copying the loss of your lover is still easy because you know you have an IDIOT sitting beside you , cracking all the silly jokes and making you realize that the person was not worth you , insulting him to every possible limit .
But now , i have no one , after you my friend have left me . I try my best to think of all the bad , hurtful things he said to me and insulting to the core . But alas ! My heart has surrendered and the only thing it says repeated is ' Come back , i will no longer be the same without you . You bring the best out of me , without you , its only the Rest of me ' .
I wish i could have opened my heart in front of him and told him all the things i wanted to . But , deep inside i know he would be feeling the same too .
HOPE , FAITH , BELIEF were just words until now . Now , i realize it is the only thing left with me . I promised i would never leave you - in thick and thin , joy and sorrow , wealth and poverty .
Maybe you don't need me anymore , but this " Lost Puppy " will always be looking for you .
You will always be my " Best Friend " . You define its defination for me . Trust me , you really do !
      I remember singing this song for him :
               " Kar tu chalna shuru , Teere peeche main hun ,
                 Teere peeche peeche main , mere aage aage tu " .
Wishing you all the Happiness , Love , Wealth and hoping all your dreams turn into reality .
   Love from the core ,
Your Lost puppy .