
Saturday 30 June 2012

Heart is for beating , not keeping Secrets ;)

Am just back from my driving classes . The expressions that people give when they see someone learning how to drive is - " Yeah ! I am a master at this now . Your turn mate , enough of sitting on the backseat . Experience the driving part now . Welcome to the league. "  This is exactly what their facial reaction show. Well , there are other things to talk about except these stupid lessons .
I happened to read diary of one of my closest friends . Not my best friend though . But my really really close friend . And yes , she knows that i read it ! She only gave it to me . Not to read but have a look at it . Couldn't resist , henceforth finally landed up reading all of it , together . 
Now, without being judgemental , i think she should actually confess what all she has written in the diary to all the people , she needs to . I know , how difficult it is . I personally also write a diary , and i would like punch somebody's face if he / she ever dares to reveal the things i have written in the diary to that particular person . But then , life would be a lot easier if i myself do this . Isn't it ? 

Why do we write  a diary , when we have the person existing in this world to hear all our stories ?

Strange but interesting ! The answer is maybe because we fear . We run from our emotions , thoughts , and above all The Truth .
The things we actually confess when we are alone . There's nobody to listen and we know no judgements would be passed once we say what all is their in our hearts . 
But then , years after , when we read the same diary or look deep in our hearts , there would be a million things jammed up which were never told , buried deep inside . 
That would be the time when we would regret keeping them in our heart , rather then telling the person , regardless of the fact what he / she would think about us if we would have told them . 
                                   Stories are meant to be told first , then written !
Even if you end up crying , disappointed , sad , angry , or irritated with the reaction of that particular person to whom you always wanted your story , what all was their in your heart , you would be Satisfied !
Satisfied with the fact , that you atleast had the courage unlike millions of people to speak your mind and tell what you always wanted to , things in your heart . 
And then there would come a time , when you'll throw away your diary and speak what you always wrote . You wouldn't keep your diary with a lock attached . Think what if he / she someday reads it ? 
No Fears , No Boundaries ...
So, from now on i would make it a point to speak what's there in  my mind and my heart to all those people i really need to . That doesn't mean i would end up with the my  ritual of diary writing !
You also try and do the same thing . Any other reason of why you should also think about this ?
                  Neah ! You don't need a reason to speak your mind and heart , Do you ? ;)

Thursday 28 June 2012

Improving Leadership .

" Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want because he wants to do it "
                                                                              - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Whether you consciously aware of it or not , on some level  you are continually leading yourself and others. As a result , it would only make sense that you strive to improve your leadership skills and get the most out of life for everyone in your sphere .
If you desire to lead a passion filled life wherein you are a positive influence to everyone you must have some basic leadership qualities in you .

Read on :-

1.  Have a clear vision of yourself , others , and the world . 
Who are you ? What do you stand for ? What is your life purpose ? How do you want to influence others ? How do you want to contribute to your family , friends , and colleagues , and the world ? Answer these questions to formulate a concrete vision of yourself and the world . Then , start living your life as the leader who makes your vision into a reality !

2. Know and utilize your strengths and gifts.
You have unique gifts that you were born with and personal strengths you've developed over a lifetime. Realizing and utilizing these gifts and strengths will assist you in being a formidable leader.

3. Live in accordance with your morals and values. 
Making choices and taking actions out of accordance with your morals and values leaves you with a nagging "Bad" feeling. This feeling seeping in your subconscious mind hinders your success in your career and your relationships . On the other hand , making choices and taking actions aligned with your morals and values helps you succeed almost effortlessly . People sense integrity and will naturally respect your opinion and leadership .

4. Lead others with inclusiveness and compassion.
The greatest leaders are those who include everyone in their sphere of influence by recognizing each person's greatest values. To be one of the greatest leaders , look beyond the obvious and see with insight and compassion. Many of history's greatest leaders have admitted that they rose to the top because another leader recognized and harnessed their potential .

5. Continue to improve and educate yourself.
Great leaders continue to improve themselves in every possible way . The person who thinks he's an expert has still a lot to learn . Never stop learning . Be receptive to everyone's perceptions and information from around the world and beyond . Grow...grow..grow...Learn..learn..learn !

Thursday 21 June 2012

Why ?

Why is the sky blue ,
Why is the grass in winters filled with dew ?

Why do people Hate more than Love ,
And when they do , at times they get bluffed .

Why there are moments when we cry ,
Why at times our life becomes dry ?

To share our feelings why do we shy , 
Why we give up , and not again try ?

Why at the last lap we surrender , 
And think so deeply , 
Mistakes happen ,
But still curse ourselves for the blunder ? 

Fear to Love again , Why ?
People are not the same , but why we still  fear .

Why are people afraid of listening the truth , 
and love to hear lie ?
Why we get selfish , 
like some leave their parents in Old age homes !
Remember they are the ones who made your life bloom .

Why do we worry all the time ?
Life is curry , with all the spices .
Why do we pray to God only in happiness ,
and not crisis ?

A " WHY " to the question , always does not have a reason ,
Just like a bird trapped in a prison .

Friday 15 June 2012

For the Loved Ones :)

Holding the newspaper in their hands , not many people pay much attention to the " Obituaries " column . I also didn't . But past few days I have been reading them . And I have yet again learnt something ! Something important . Something to share about .
While I was today reading the same Obituary column , it struck me like a flash of light . Reading about the lives other people lived , this is what I have concluded .

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Associations
4. Contribution to the Society .

These are the things which matter the most to the people . Ask How ?
Ever noticed who all are mentioned in the column when a person dies ? Family and Friends at the top .
For now at least ! I am yet to find one which mentions that the person died happily and his soul may rest in peace while his Lawyer , accountant , Personal secretary are sitting beside him .
People who are your loved ones are mentioned , and it is they who feel the loss . I am not saying that others don't . But yes , when you are at death bed , you surely like to be around your loved ones .
Make a life that people remember you and miss you when you die . They have you in the memories . For what you did in your life . That is an Achievement !
Each one of us is gonna die . That is for sure . But how many of us are living to the fullest , or doing something that is actually gonna keep us in the memories of the people who are we working with . Few !

Everyone at their death bed for what I believe , cherishes the time they spent with their loved ones - parents , spouse , siblings . So , why not create those memories , so that you have something to cherish when you reach the deathbed .

Dream Richly
Live Fully
Learn to just let go
Love with all your heart
Leave the Earth better than you found it !

                                               Everything to cherish , Nothing to regret !

And as the Chinese say - " The Best time to do a thing was the first time you thought of doing it . The Second best time is NOW ! "

Sunday 10 June 2012

The Hidden Treasure !

Past few days , I happened to notice that there is something missing , something less . What is it ? I asked to myself . Until i realized something : -
Everybody has the access to it , everybody knows about it too , but not everybody really knows the wonders and powers of the thing they possess .
                                                              PRAYER !
This was the thing that was missing . It was not a routine affair . Something which if happens is very good , but if not doesn't force you to think much .
But now I have an all new different perception to it .
When you know that something is good , Gives you everything that you are looking out for : Satisfaction , Mental Peace , Hope , Faith , Belief , Healing Power , Positivity , and an umpteen other such things , Then why not make it a daily routine ?
It was this that was Missing !
It is something you can't explain or pass on to somebody . The things you get in return . You gotta do it to feel the difference .
When you sit in a prayer , your mind is filled with the soothing ,  moral and  spiritual thoughts . This is the beauty Prayer . After you are done with your prayer , you feel you have become a better person than before , as a human being .
There are a lot of notions which are embedded in people's mind when the concept of Prayer is heard .
A True Prayer is not burdened with rituals . God is everywhere . Any spot which you use to connect with God, becomes a Temple .
Mahatma Gandhi said - " I humbly claim to be a man of prayer . "
A heartfelt prayer is not a recitation from the lips . It is a yearning from within . Prayer is the voice of faith . It does not affect only the person but the entire moral environment . The thoughts being embedded in your prayer determine its effectiveness .
When you pray for peace , you eventually get peace . Its all the power of thoughts you put in .
But your prayers are not just your thoughts . They are The Most Powerful One's .
      Take out Time , Sit Back and Pray . You'll be surprised to see the effectiveness and Power of Prayer .

Monday 4 June 2012

Victory of the Corrupt System ?

Of all the things I have shared with you and of what I have written till now , THIS is closest to my heart .
I am enraged , sad , disappointed and most of all ashamed of " THIS VICTORY OF THE CORRUPT SYSTEM " .
Here it is :-
Everyone of us remember the Ruchika Girhotra case . Don't we ? Okay ! Maybe some of you don't .
But surely you would remember this pretty girl .

You do , Right ?
Well , going through the newspaper today , I read something , which I couldn't take off my head , even when I finished reading the last page .


These words of the National Daily struck me so bad , that I decided to protest against it , and not act them like the CBI officials handling this case .
We are living in a country , that has gained Independence since 1947 . The ruling  government ( Be it of any political party ) claims for providing all the best facilities to the citizens of the country . Interesting ! But what happens when it comes to giving a fair decision by the legal system and the judiciary ?
CBI is the most trusted legal organisation functioning in the country . But what if this organisation has become corrupt ?
Frankly speaking , even i personally didn't have much knowledge about this very case . But while going through the whole case and after learning about it , I am Shocked .
The case involves the molestation of 14 year old Ruchika Girhotra in 1990 by the Inspector Genral of Police  Shambhu Pratap Rathore ( SPS Rathore ) in Haryana , India . After she made complaint , the victim , her family , and her friends were all systematically harassed by the police leading to her eventual suicide .
Now, in 2012 , after attending almost 400 court hearings , now the Girhotra family has taken the case back .
Why ?
Because Mr. Rathore maybe bribed the family or influenced them to allow the CBI to close the the case.
So, without saying or writing anything against any one party , as this case is still pending in the court, i leave it on you to decide .
Is it fair ? What all is happening . And i am pretty sure that your comments and views will make a difference.
Wake up , Raise your voice , and  Speak against the injustice being done .